- Hey! Who needs rough drafts? Let's go! 嘿!谁还打什么草稿呀?直接写就行了。
- Michael rolled up half an hour earlier. 万克尔提前半小时到达。
- Hey, your serve is too fast. Take it easy, okay? 嘿,你的发球太快了,轻松一些好不好?
- He knew Helen was going steady with Michael. 他早知道海伦与迈克尔的关系很稳定。
- Hey, Bill, you old son of a gun! How are you? 嗨,比尔,你这个老坏蛋!你好吗?
- Hey, look, that jet airliner is hopping off. 嗨,看啊,那架喷气式班机起飞了。
- Hey, Randy, have you had your lunch yet? 嘿,蓝迪,你吃午饭了吗?
- Michael: Hey Billy, have you been working out or something? 米歇尔:嘿比利,你在健身吗还是别的什么?
- Michael now talks incessantly although not always coherently. 现在已会说话,虽然有时表达不清楚。
- Hey, Michael? I'll see you tonight at the swin meet? 嘿,迈可,今晚的游泳比赛你会去吗?
- Andrew: Hey, Michael, when you get the chance Dr. Seaver. 安德鲁:迈克,你有时间的话,西弗医生?
- Michael emerged from the bathroom swathed in a towel. 迈克尔从浴室里出来,裹着一条毛巾。
- Michael:Hey Billy who is the new guy going into the CFO's office? 迈克尔:嘿,比利走进首席财务官办公室那个新来的家伙是谁?
- I find that Michael has broken a window in your basement. 我发现Michael打碎了你地下室的窗玻璃。
- Michael: Hey Billy. You look really frustrated this morning. 迈克尔:嘿,比利,上午你看起来很沮丧。
- Hey! Somebody put their poster on top of ours. 嘿!有人把海报贴在我们的上面。
- All your teasing of poor Michael is getting beyond a joke. 你拿可怜的迈克尔打趣可要出圈儿了。
- Michael's comments touched off a discussion about religion. 迈克尔的评论引起了关于宗教的讨论。
- Hey, I almost forgot! John asked you to give him a ring. 嗨,差点儿忘了!约翰请你给他打个电话。
- It has been announced that Michael Jackson visit this city in May. 据宣布麦可。杰克逊将於五月访问本市。